Sunday Playlist - 8/8/2021

1) Ave Generosa--enjoy this performance of one of Hildegard's hymns to Mary. I appreciated being able to watch this group pass along the lead.

2) Working on a Building--a bluegrass classic, here performed by the father of the form. I especially recommend that you listen for Kenny Baker's fiddle solo.

3) The Throne--by Indubious. Turn on the closed caption to see the lyrics, which include a refrain that could be Clinton Avenue's motto: "tell them we are putting love on the throne..."

4) Come Sunday--the Ellington piece, here performed by Kathleen Battle and Branford Marsalis.

5) An instrumental--on dutar (a Central Asian, long-necked lute) and tamburello. Juraev and Piccioni are masters of their instruments and an inspired duet.


Sunday Playlist - 8/15/2021


Sunday Playlist - 8/1/2021